Delightful Ethical Digital

8th February 2018

“I know that my heart will go on” this Valentines Day with Moonpig and NHS Blood and Transplant

Have you got your Valentines card organ-ised yet this year? NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) have joined forces with Moonpig, launching a series of Valentines cards highlighting the importance of telling loved ones about a decision to become an organ donor.

Have you got your Valentines card organ-ised yet this year?

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) have joined forces with Moonpig, launching a series of Valentines cards highlighting the importance of telling loved ones about a decision to become an organ donor.  Check them out here.

Around 6,400 people across the UK are currently waiting for an organ transplant across the UK. At total of 457 people died waiting for a transplant last year.

The cards are not only FREE but the delivery cost (65p) will be donated the the charity Transplant Sport. The cards all contain a cut-out organ donor card to keep in a wallet, as well as a message telling the recipient they are on the donor register.

Note: cards are available from Feb 7th – Feb 14th


This is something that the Fat Beehive team are really passionate about – check out the campaign we did in October.

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