Delightful Ethical Digital

21st June 2018

See you at chase25

We'll be hosting a stall and website MOTs, so drop in to say hello

Chase is back, and there’s a real buzz around the hive at this year’s programme. The talks centre on the four areas of Digital, Innovation, Leadership and Culture, with topics ranging from the data of fundraising to supporter engagement in the post-GDPR world.

It’s free to attend for visitors and will be held at The Brewery, Moorgate on 5 July. Come say hi and we’ll be delighted to chat with you about your web needs — or just chat.


Chase25 logo

Fat Beehive will be at chase25 on 5 July

Some talks we’re excited about

Chase’s high-quality talks are always a big draw, and this year promises more of the same. We’re particularly looking forward to Allen Reid from Hart Square’s session on “The digital transformation at the Royal Society of Medicine,” running from 14.45 to 15.05.

We’ve seen first-hand how effective digital engagement has changed organisations we work with, so it’ll be interesting to hear this in the context of such a thought-leader as the RSM.

We’ll also definitely be attending Zoe Amar’s session on “What is a digital leader?”, which is running from 11.25 to 12.15. Zoe’s worked with organisations like Breast Cancer Care, as well as leading the recent Charity Digital Skills Report, so should have some good tips on how to position yourself as a leader in the digital space.

Free consultation for your website

As is traditional, we’ll be offering free consultations at this year’s chase25. So if you have any burning question about your web strategy, just come to see us at stand 32 and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you.

We’re also running our 10-minute website MOTs, where we’ll give objective feedback on what’s working and what could be improved about your current site. These are always really popular, so we’re offering pre-booked slots this year. Just drop us a line on with three suggested times, and we’ll book you in.

We hope to see you at the exhibition!

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