Delightful Ethical Digital

6th July 2021

Going one step further: our new sustainability partnership with Ripple Africa

We’ve committed to offset 3 tonnes of carbon a year per employee through the charity’s cookstove and tree-planting schemes

When we founded the Fat Beehive Foundation in the summer of 2020, the primary motivation was to provide small charities with grants to advance their website and other digital products. Amongst other unexpected outcomes, the application process has brought us closer to small charities across the UK that undertake amazing work on low budgets. Initially applying for a grant, we’ve now partnered with Ripple Africa to offset three tonnes of carbon a year for every one of our employees. 


As you would expect all the energy we use is from renewable sources and we already offset any other carbon attributed to our operations. We don’t need raw materials to build websites – however we do need highly skilled employees who are, of course, a source of carbon.  So this commitment offsets the embodied carbon in our team – calculated at 3 tonnes per person per year.

But why Ripple Africa? We’re well aware of the range of schemes available to organisations like ourselves to offset carbon, however, the ethos and values of Ripple Africa align closely with our own.

Dorah sat using her cookstove

Since its foundation in 2003, Ripple Africa’s core belief has never changed: to empower communities so they themselves can achieve a sustainable future. Working across four regions in Malawi, the organisation is committed to providing a hand up, not a handout. Directed by the needs of the communities they support, Ripple Africa has now planted over 17 million trees, protected over 340 sq. km of forests through newly established forest conservation projects and saved 80,000  bundles of wood every week through fuel-efficient cookstoves, (the Changu Changu Moto) each of which offsets three tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent a year!


But why take it from us? Meet the people at the heart of Ripple Africa:

Joyce and Chimwemwe sat using their cookstove

Joyce and her granddaughter Chimwemwe love cooking together but at the age of 77, Joyce can no longer collect firewood. With the cookstove, 14-year-old Chimwemwe doesn’t have to collect firewood as frequently as she did when cooking on a traditional fire. While providing less risk of burns and smoke inhalation, the free time granted to Joyce and Chimwemwe means they can engage in other activities such as educational classes and hobbies.


Andrea kneeling next to newly planted trees

Ripple Africa’s commitment to tree planting and forest conservation is rooted in a desire to support the long-term sustainability of resources for the communities they work with. Andrea started planting trees to protect existing forests and create a sustainable timber source for the future. On top of this, the scheme has created employment opportunities for members of the community.

“I want to have money saved to pay for my family to receive medical care when they are sick. I want to be able to buy livestock and set up a farm. I would like to build a house!”


Ripple Africa’s Corporate Partnerships Manager & Project Coordinator, Nikki Luxford praised the new partnership: 

“Fat Beehive’s commitment to offset 3 tonnes of CO2e per year is a fantastic development for both their carbon footprint and for our communities in Malawi. What is particularly encouraging about Fat Beehive’s commitment is the consideration to offset staff carbon emissions outside of the workplace and we hope it paves the way for similar partnerships. We’re extremely grateful for the partnership opportunity and looking forward to keeping the whole team at Fat Beehive updated about how their contribution is benefiting the communities in Malawi.”


If you would like to learn more about Ripple Africa, visit their site here

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