Delightful Ethical Digital

22nd February 2024

BuzzTalk005 Video – Google Ad Grants and Why Have A Website?

Tom Moreton

Why do charity and not-for-profit organisations have a website? And how best can you use your Google Ad grant?

On Thursday February 1st 2024, Fat Beehive held Buzztalk005.

People gathered from 6pm for a drink and to chat with Fat Beehive staff and fellow not-for-profit professionals.

Marcus, CEO of Fat Beehive, then introduced our two 15 minute talks:

  • Matt Collins, Head of Client Partnerships at Fat Beehive, spoke about how organisations should think about the reasons for and purposes of a website. Matt asks a series of questions, and discusses how charity and not for profit organisations might answer them to bring greater benefit to the organisation.
  • Jack Crowley, Senior Digital Strategist at Fat Beehive, talked through an approach to making the most of a Google’s Ad grant. Jack explains paid search (known as Pay Per Click or PPC), what a Google Ads grant provides, the elements of a Google Ads account, how to think about keywords, what the success of a campaign might looks like, how to organise your campaigns, and how to focus your limited time on a campaign.

See our BuzzTalks page for information and to sign up to emails about upcoming talks.

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